At the August 2015 WG2 meeting the form was discussed.
Requested: Clarification of the BUS:
Request: Clindesse is a vaginal cream with an applicator. Product labeling shows that each applicator delivers 5gm of vaginal cream. Product labeling also shows that the new weight is 5.8gm. NDC 21695085805 may have inactive since 2011.
Why Needed: Looking for compendia to agree on primary package size.
Outcome Anticipated: Per BUS FAQ 7.34: For non-injectable products, the package size will be based on the total amount of the product delivered (amount that can be extracted from the container, i.e. dispensed). Any overfill will not be considered part of the reported quantity. Based on this the PS for Clindesse should be 5gm not 5.8gm.
Discussion: Via email discussion prior to the TG call:
For this product, I want to confirm the BU=gm and the PS=5. PS is not 5.8 b/c we do not count the overfill; only the volume delivered.
Agree that it should be 5 grams per the standard. We used 5.8 as well as that is what we had on the previous NDC. My suggestion is if we agree that it should be 5 grams. We change not only this NDC but the previous NDC 64011-0124-08 so there is consistency in the product. Otherwise, we will be explaining why one is 5.8 and the other 5. The label for 64011-0124-08 matches the label on the new NDC.
It sounds like we’re all in agreement that for NDC 45802004201 and NDC 64011-0124-08, the PS should be 5.
Following is a list of all the Gynazole and Clindesse products with obsolete dates. If we’re all in agreement that these products should be 5gm not 5.8gm, we need to coordinate a change.
Obsolete Dates |
Name |
*64011024601 |
6/30/2008 |
54868483800 |
10/16/2012 |
64011000108 |
7/1/2008 |
54569545200 |
*45802004201 |
1/24/2011 |
21695085805 |
7/1/2015 |
64011012408 |
This will cause significant billing issues if the changes are not well coordinated. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to accomplish this by end of quarter. We need some type of indication of Rx volume/month.
Discussion by Product Review and BU Exceptions TG call of July 28, 2015: This product is being reviewed because when adding the new NDC 45802004201 as 5 gm per the Billing Unit Standard, existing product was reviewed and the billing unit did no match. While all agreed the correct BU on these products is 5 gm, changing the billing unit of existing product posed a concern as to industry impact. Preliminary claim data on NDC 64011012408 showed some but not significant usage. The task group agreed the BU=5 gm on the active NDCs 64011024601 (Gynazole) and 45802004201 (Clindesse) and any new products released in the future per FAQ 7.34 of the BUS. Coordination of the effective date will be made amongst all compendia. The effective date will be determined at the WG2 meeting should WG2 agree with the recommendation by the task group. To minimize disruption in the market place, the older products for Gynazole and Clindesse with obsolete dates will not change billing units and will remain with a BU=5.8 gm.
This recommendation applies to QUIC form #201516 for Clindesse and QUIC form #201517 for Gynazole. As in the past, the final determination made by WG2 will be distributed via an NCPDP NOW article(s) to inform the industry of the proper billing unit and effective date.
(Note to the Application of the BU TG: Considerations to change existing billing units should include the impact to the market place and usage volume as were applied in this review.)
At this meeting, a motion for QUIC forms
#201516 Clindesse and #201517 Gynazole was made and seconded to classify the BU=5 gm on the active NDCs 64011024601 (Gynazole) and 45802004201 (Clindesse) and any new products released in the future per FAQ 7.34 of the BUS. To minimize disruption in the market place, the older products for Clindesse (NDCs 21695085805 and 64011012408) and Gynazole (NDCs 54868483800, 64011000108 and 54569545200) with obsolete dates will not change billing units and will remain with a BU=5.8 gm. The motion carried with no opposition. The compendia will make the change based on their monthly cutoff date. Compendia will send an email to all the compendia giving their date and a final effective date will be determined.
Post Meeting Note: All compendia will make this change on August 20, 2015.